ancient glass gold foil.jpg

Large bead

Sales price $275.00
Byzantine - Viking eye bead 405MSMMedieval eye bead 405MSM
Byzantine - Viking eye bead 405MSMByzantine - Islamic eye bead 405MSMaByzantine - Islamic eye bead 405MSMb

Medieval Byzantine / Viking layered eye bead
Date: 8 - 9 century

Ten eyes, each composed of six layers (alternative white/ brown with a blue center).

Diameter: 2.0 cm. Height: 1.9 cm. Intact, very good condition.

For similar published beads see:

- Arbman, Holger,  Birka 1 Die Graber: Tafeln. [The Graves: Plates] Birka, Kungliga Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, 1940, taf.121 h.

-  V. Kovalevskaya, Komputernaya obrabotka massovogo arhaeologicheskogo materiala is rannesrednevekovih pamyatnikov Evrasii, Moscow, 2000, p.91 #161.

-  A. Panini, Middle Eastern and Venetian Glass Beads, Skira, 2007, p. 45.