
Stratified eye

Ancient layered eye bead EA282Stratified eye bead EA282
Ancient layered eye bead EA282Ancient layered eye bead EA282aAncient layered eye bead EA282bAncient layered eye bead EA282c

Stratified eye bead
1 century BC

Eight "eyes" of four alternative white and colorless with greenish tint layers with deep blue center. Intact, good condition.

Diameter: 17 mm
Height:    14 mm

This bead is the last bead out of stratified eye bead series. Since then, stratified method was replaced by mosaic cane "eye", which was a cross-section of a mosaic cane. Lost stratified method is remains unclear for scholars and is still irreproducible.

For similar beads see:
-Spaer M., Ancient Glass in the Israel Museum. Beads and other small objects. Israel Museum, Jerusalem, 2001, pl. 7: 98
-Véronique Arveiller-Dulong, Marie-Dominique Nenna.  Les Verres antiques du Musée du Louvre III : Parure, instruments et éléments d’incrustation, Paris, Éditions du Louvre, Somogy, 2011, p. 167: 208-5