
Mosaic bead

Sales price $125.00
Byzantine-Islamic mosaic bead, 8-9 century 403MSM403MSM Byzantine-Islamic mosaic bead, 8-9 century
Byzantine-Islamic mosaic bead, 8-9 century 403MSMByzantine-Islamic mosaic bead, 8-9 century 403MSMaByzantine-Islamic mosaic bead, 8-9 century 403MSMb

Byzantine / Islamic / Viking mosaic glass bead
Date: 8-9 century
Mosaic glass

Flattened bead's matrix is made up of sections of premanufactured mosaic cane, consisted of blue and white canes, positioned around yellow in red-in white center. 

Intact, very good condition. Height 13 mm, length 10 mm, width 6 mm


For similar published beads in museum collections see:

-R. Andrae, Mosaikaugenperlen. Untersuchungen zur Verbreitung und Datierung karolingerzeitlicher Millefioriglasperlen in Europa. Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 4, 1973, pl.10 

- J. Callmer,Trade beads and bead trade in Scandinavia ca. 800-1000 A.D., 1977, pl.IV: H001 (mosaic cane).

- V. Kovalevskaya, Komputernaya obrabotka massovogo arhaeologicheskogo materiala is rannesrednevekovih pamyatnikov Evrasii, Moscow, 2000, #257-259.