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Viking bead

Sales price $75.00
Byzantine Viking mosaic glass bead MSM3 aMSM3 Byzantine Viking mosaic glass bead a
Byzantine Viking mosaic glass bead MSM3 aMSM3 Two Byzantine mosaic glass beadsByzantine-Islamic mosaic glass bead MSM3 bByzantine Viking mosaic glass bead MSM3 c

Byzantine / Viking / Islamic mosaic glass bead
Date: 7-9 century
Mosaic cane glass

Perforated section of premanufactured mosaic cane, consisted  of multiple green and yellow single glass canes.
Height 11 mm, diameter 13 mm.

For published similar beads in museum collections see:

-H. Arbman, Arbman, Holger (1940) Birka 1 Die Graber: Tafeln. [The Graves: Plates] Birka, Kungliga Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, Taf. 122, 12-f.

-  V.Kovalevskaya, Komputernaya obrabotka massovogo arhaeologicheskogo materiala is rannesrednevekovih pamyatnikov Evrasii, Moscow, 2000, p.93 #225.