
Millefiori bead

Migration period mosaic glass bead MSM350Migration period mosaic glass bead MSM350
Migration period mosaic glass bead MSM350Migration period mosaic glass bead MSM350aMigration period mosaic glass bead MSM350

Capped millefiori bead
Date: European Migration period, 5-7 century
Mosaic glass

Bead's matrix is formed by folding a premanufactured mosaic strip over a rod. Composed of applied square sections with quatrefoil leaves. Red caps at each end.
Intact, good condition.

Height 12 mm, diameter 12 mm

This type of mosaic beads was produced from 1 century through Migration period, up to 7 century. They have been found in Europe in different cultural context: Frankish, Ostrogoth, Alemani and other Germanic tribes, as well as Anglo-Saxon (see published archaeological examples from Archaeologia Cantiana - Vol. 7, 1868) or in 
fundamental research: 
 Koch, Ursula. Das Reihengräberfeld bei Schretzheim. Berlin, 1977. Teil 1-Text ;Teil 2- Katalog und Tafeln, farbtafel 6: M23